What will it take for our community to Succeed?
My name is Dylan Phumulani Nkala
and I am the Director of YACO.
Creating this program has tasked me with asking a lot of hard questions, to analyze the past and reflect on the future.
How can I help my people without infringing on our history, culture and life's. What can I give?
I'm sure you would not be surprised , I truly had no good answer.
What I did have though, was trail bad decisions and mistakes.
I learnt what it was like to work in an environment where you are the visible minority.
I learnt what its like to feel the outside pressures of making money and when you make money what to spend it on
I've been depressed.
I've been happy.
Throughout all these things the outlet and teachings did not present themselves. Despite the love of parents, I looked to support of peers for advice and mentorship. That advise proved to be wrong. True success comes with time and expertise, from the generations that came before us and connecting on a fundamental level does not come easily.
Asking these questions is where I came up with my solution .
I hope to bridge the our generations.
provide knowledge to our future members of our community
Financial literacy
Mental Health Awareness
And a sense of belonging to our people for even those who don't necessarily align with the traditional norms of culture and community .
Early adulthood is some of the most important times of our life's.
My promise is to care, listen and take action.
In my Native tongue YACO means "Yours"
Allow me to help you take action YOUR life and create more and more Black Excellence.
We will do whatever it takes for our community to succeed.
Dylan Nkala